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Self-Made Nillionaire

Self-made NILLionaire. Get it? ‘Cause nill means zero. Join the ranks of the temporarily embarrassed millionaires—known as nillionaires. And who made you a nillionaire? You did. It’s not an accident of birth, a rigid class structure or systemic discrimination issues preventing you from the same educational or networking opportunities. It’s that avocado toast you had for brunch on Sunday. Or the brand-name boxed mac-n-cheese you had for dinner that evening. Stop wasting your money. You too can pull yourself up by your own bootstraps and change that Nill to a Mill!  This design is based on 19th century newspaper advertisements for hair tonic and snake oil. It is of course meant to be tongue-in-cheek. This is all part of my personal crusade to add Nillionaire to everyday speech. After all, there are a LOT more of us Nillionaires than the Mil-, Bil- or Tril- variety. I had a lot of fun re-creating that look with Illustrator and Photoshop. Check out my art deco version also for the Great Gatsby style. You know, for that “moneyed” look. Shop this design on a variety of items on Redbubble.